Friday, December 31, 2010

Nude Year's Resolutions.....

Well, its a Nude Year's Eve in a few hours, so here are a few resolutions I will add to during the day....

First, Exercise More!  Been hitting the gym as of late and nibbling my African Mango Seed Extract faithfully, so perhaps results will begin to show soon.  If not, watch the nice girl in the cowboy hat....

Raises the pulse a bit methinks....

Next one is for the ladies..:)

Work out with a buddy, you'll both get harder and firmer faster...It is good to get buff eh?

Have her spot you for this fulfilling ab workout.... works best if repeated twice daily, or thrice....

Reconnect with friends... you can't have too many friends!

Stay the night?

Embrace your makes the world go round....




Anonymous said...

A cool video!

Alice Bluegown said...

The "vibrato" image is very sexy, but whenever I see something like that I am always reminded of the famous quote attributed to Dr Johnson - "Madam, you have between your legs an instrument that has given pleasure to millions, and all you can do is scratch it!"

Veritas said...

Thank you Alice! It is nice to hear from a lovley woman who actually knows who the dear Dr Johnson was! My day will be happier for your comments!

V :)

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