I have been either in purgetory or work hell lately, not sure which...not sure it matters in this economy either, he he... but I realized, with a bit of not so gentle prodding, I have been a bit remiss in my musings for my favorite group of people, My Brothers and Babes!
So I was out tonight with my anoyingly hot best friend and we're sitting at the bar drinking and she turns to, after ordering me a diet vodka concoction, which I sort of like, truth be known...
And She sayz, "I know what you'd like!"
So I say , "Of course you do..."
Then realizing she was sort of serious and not just being a tease, I replied with a dopey grin,
"Whats that?"
"A Lindsey Lohan!"
"A what??" I say, brow furrowed,
clearly clueless, (my natural state...) as I try to dredge up mental images of recent Lindsey and her hypotheical hotness or possible notness all while I suck down my Blueberry Stoli or whateverisinit...
"A Lindsey Lohan," she says again...eyes twinkling as she orders some sort of weird razor sliced meat dish (It was good though...) and an odd concoction of crab and unusual vegetables...(even better....)
Being stupid, I say "What's that" (the Lohan, not the food, food I know, even wierd looking food...)
She smiles, upper lip curling up in that sorta goofy way thats kinda cute....
Wait for it...
"A Redheaded Slut with a Little Coke...!"
(Bartenders will get this) She is laughing and rocking so hard the ever present phone about falls on the floor.
I laughed! Clueless... definately... but I knew it was the punch line and she had this mischevious glint in her eye, sowhatyagonnado? I went with it...hoping like hell she would elaborate....Thankfully she did!
Ok it isn't a joke but more of a recipe And told by a Redhead whch makes it totally PC... Soooooo....
The Lindsey Lohan:
A Red Headed Slut...Which is...
Jaeger, Peach Schnapps and Cranberry in equal parts...
Then add a splash of Coke...!
Drum roll.... exit stage left!
Good Night....!!!

smiles, i must remember to order a red head slut when im out next, never had one of those:)
LOL! Thanks for sharing this. ;-)
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