Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Today is a Good, Good Day....!!

I Am happier than I have been in some time and for reasons totally unrelated to the topic below.  But I needed an excuse to post, so here you go!!!!!!!

It is Hump day today and filled with incredible, Good News!!  Half way to the weekend, and things are running smoothly....The sweetest things in life are often best left, unsaid....  and on that note I am off to find a photo or three to fill the days post!!

Hump someone you love,
Love someone you hump,

Don't be a scrump,
Be glad for the hump,

For if you hump,
It will tighten your rump!

So no more schlump,
Get off that hump,

Yes, I just made that up, can't you tell?  LOL!!!

(My good mood has absolutely nothing to do with humping....but gosh the urge to drop into a lame poem just grabbed, ya know?)

This from Slow Burn:

Thanks Slow Burn!


Anonymous said...

LOL! I love your Hump Day poem. Beautiful photos, too. ;-)

Anonymous said...

May you have many more good days. Happiness is the BEST feeling. ;-)

Veritas said...

Thank you sweets, I love that you enjoy these, your opinion is one I value. You are so incredibly creative and I find your tumble, outstanding, I am always amazed!


Anonymous said...

Oh! Thank you for your very generous compliments. I say the same right back to you. I value your opinion,too, and I'm SO enjoying your blog. Thanks!

~ Sweets

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