Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Tuesday!! Its Tickle Tuesday so consider yourself, Truly Tickled from Tushy to Toes, Tatas to french Tips!!!



Jenny Swallows said...

Wow, you really are finding some amazing pics... This is fast becoming my favorite visuals site... So please don't let your words get pushed aside!

Veritas said...

Awww thank you adorable Miss Jenny!!!

I'm glad you like! I'll write soon. I have a few going now that ach for a chapter addition.

As for new prose, I may repost one I found this morning. It isn't a story I've written but its pretty good and a nice erotic tease. The theme is an interesting one for me.

And on another topic, I have a new theme to explore, MFM or/and FMF. I have some ideas.... I'd love your thoughts? I'll keep you posted. Threesomes are an interesting topic. Polyamory as it were.... Such a delightful thought on a Tuesday morn....

V~ (Naughtily at work)

Anonymous said...

mmmm love this, nothing like a play with ones favourite toy on a lonely night :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Tickle Tuesday! ;-)

Jenny Swallows said...

I've always been a fan of MFM... Unfortunately, they usually turn into MF with The other M standing as far away as he can for fear of two cocks touching and turning their owners gay... Or worse. A case, I think, of fantasy and erotica being way better than reality....

Veritas said...

Ron Reagan's daughter Patty used to write fiction, pretty decent I thought. Well, in one she descibed a MFM encounter (some FMF, too)that was pretty hot. I like the whole encounter. The characters afterwards had issues but that scene was a page turner!!! The FMF was good too!

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