Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A New Hobby!!

I recommend this, Fun, good exercize and the girls are cute too!

Boards are 500 to 1800 in price, water is free....

She can teach you how to get it up.... :)

Outdoor exercize couldn't be sweeter....

Ooops!  Here she is again!  Francesca is her name appparently....

Yep, gonna pull my board down and clean it up....


Anonymous said...

The guy looks cute, too. Looks like something fun to do -- once you learn how to balance yourself on that board. Yikes! ;-)

Veritas said...

It is fun! But remeber the board is almost 3 feet wide and 12 long so it is stable and a soft top so it is easy to grip. The thing I like about the long board is you can surf on some small waves andthe paddle helps line you up and get you on those waves easier.
But I am a novice, so whattheheckdoIknow....

V:) Can you say CleaVage? Ha!

Anonymous said...

Pretty girl on the yellow board. Yes, get that board out. Then tell us about your adventures. ;-)

Veritas said...

I will!, been so cold and so much work, I haven't gotten free early enough to get the board!

Soon, I hope!


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