Thursday, April 5, 2012

Where the Nettle Meets the Thorn....

The words here are my own....inspired by one of my favorite musical artists, Snow Patrol.

May you find as much pleasure in them as do I.....

"Twas the wee, wee hours of the morn,
Off where the Nettle Meets the Thorn,

Deep...deep in that quiet Garden,
Hidden in the far...far corner of the Fenn,
That Garden of Earthly Delight,
Tipping, glimering near the edge of one's Kenn...
Sudden hearts surely skip at the sight,

Of Ruddy Wild Eire Roses,
Dancing Quietly in the Moonlight....



Anonymous said...

I would like to visit this garden.

Veritas said...

I am soo Happy you liked this... I hope to turn it into a song... A song based on a song I suppose? I was introduced to Snow Patrol a few years ago and fell in love with their lyrics and music. it brings out powerful feelings for me and i find it forces me to look inward at myself to see and reassess what i value in my life.

....Where the Nettle meets the Thorn.....


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