"A father's love" in the Irish language is "A athair gra."
Sooo....for your pleasure....!
"A father's love"
in the Irish language is
"A athair gra."
Bacon, beagles, buddies ‘n boys,
These are a few of life’s little joys,
While boys will be boys,
And we all love our toys,
They’re just small diversions life employs…
For it is the ladies we favor,
To give life its flavor,
For all daughters and fathers and young viceroys….!
Bottom line. For a dude to be a Dad, you dear reader, Someone had to carry you around in her belly for nine months with you kicking her in the kidneys every time she lay down to sleep!
The parental roles are different and both parents play either role on occasion...
... but I thank God for each my parents and today, this day, I am especially honored and pleased to be my Father's son and father of my own….
Happy Father’s Day!!!