"Turn around....no, doucement..."
"Yes, Sir..." her soft reply....
Turning, slowly as desired, she bit her lip, a tiny, anxious pout, she was, after all... his....
He played slowly, idle fingertips seducing her with a chord and short rif.
"Touch yourself..."
She looked across the room shimmering in the low light. The gathering dusk softened by the glow of the struggling candle just lit. "Yes...My...Sir."
A finger trailed down, playfully so... Her eyes on his as she did as bidden, touching here, then there, dwelling in the valleys and folds of her breasts as its twin strayed behind to unleash the clasp cradling her treasures. Each touch keeping pace with the slow strum of his guitar.
Betraying his arousal, he subtly speeds the tempo, only to be rewarded with sparkling laughter and twinkling eyes as she slowly shook her head in denial. A wry grin his only response... caught!
She would control the pace though she is his to bid, willingly, his toy to strip. Dancing slowly in the candle light, clothing slipping glacially, deliciously away, she watches to gauge his rising response. An idle though crosses her mind... "will he miss a note? Can I make him?" A finger slips under the lace cradling her smooth sex, then slips away to play across her thighs and behind. A careful gauging of his reaction, a duet well familiar to both.

His hand begins to rub the treasured guitar, his boon friend, that six stringed mistress she well knew she must share him with. The polished wood glowing in the dancing shadows cast by candlelight as it plays across and around her lotion kissed skin. Licking parted lips, she slips a finger inside, her sudden catch of her breath greeted with his playful attention to his Mistresses strings....
Duet again, as she rubs to the beat of his chord....
"Taste....taste your nectar babe...." His command, uttered softly with hooded eyes shallow breaths, almost a pant slowing unconsciously keeping pace with his fingers playful rhythm. Watching as she slowly whirls to the music, dancing shadows play across her skin accenting her own shaddows playful dance along the walls. The outline of her hand flexing slowly encased in the scant lace of her thong as she moves slow, her body on display, flexing in a slow rhythm matching his playful fingering of Mistresses frets.
Hips whirling to his play, she took another slow thrust inwards before slowly drawing her slickened fingers to her lips. A pink tongue slips to meet its pheromonally laquered targets, curling around them gathering the sweet coating she had him to thank for.
"You're tempting me, sweet..." He said with a grin and a chord. She met his look never pausing in her playful lapping of her cream coated fingers.

she stepped closer shimming her lace nothings down past her hips leaving them artfully askew mid thigh as she settled her body into a sensuous crouch whirling to his playing music, laughing as he misses a note.
"Am I distracting?" she asks stepping closer, leaning forward with breasts cradled as if offered as an appetizer or horderv. A hand drifts away to play between her folds as she stares wide eyed, faux inocense dispalyed as she scopes nectar from below and coats a nipple playfully.
He watches mesmerized, wondering who is directing whom for just a moment, then realizing, as usual, 'tis she who sets the play no matter what he says. No matter, the ride is good, always good or better than good. "Merci..." he murmers low...watching her nipple play. She laughs and leans over his guitar kissing him softly
"Mind if I join you? But don't stop... lets see if you can multitask....?" She whispers as she undoes a button and tugs at his zipper....
"Am I distracting?" she asks stepping closer, leaning forward with breasts cradled as if offered as an appetizer or horderv. A hand drifts away to play between her folds as she stares wide eyed, faux inocense dispalyed as she scopes nectar from below and coats a nipple playfully.
He watches mesmerized, wondering who is directing whom for just a moment, then realizing, as usual, 'tis she who sets the play no matter what he says. No matter, the ride is good, always good or better than good. "Merci..." he murmers low...watching her nipple play. She laughs and leans over his guitar kissing him softly
"Mind if I join you? But don't stop... lets see if you can multitask....?" She whispers as she undoes a button and tugs at his zipper....

"It will be a...menage...." She winked and stroked Mistresses neck as she drew down his zipper.
Mirstress purred at her touch and she laughed, "Good then..." and she attacked his trousers with a tugparting and drawing him forward as they slowly fell to the floor. Crouching low she drew them off and kissed each foot in turn as she watched his rising tent under the guitar. A hand returned to her folds as she began to kiss up his leg before she straddled it and pressed tight to him. Her hips flexing in time to his playing as she pleasured herself on his shin.
"You are a needful thing, aren't you?" He whispered mesmerized.
"For you...pour vous...pour voous cheri."
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The Lyrics..... Perfectly Good Guitar
John Hyatt
He threw one down from the top of the stairs
Beautiful women were standing everywhere
They all got wet when he smashed that thing
But off in the dark you could hear somebody sing
Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
I don't know who they think they are
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
It started back in 1963
His momma wouldn't buy him that new red harmony
He settled for a sunburst with a crack
But he's still trying to break his momma's back
Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
I don't know who they think they are
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
He loved that guitar just like a girlfriend
But every good thing comes to an end
Now he just sits in his room all day
Whistling every note he ever played
There oughta be a law with no bail
Smash a guitar and you go to jail
With no chance for early parole
You don't get out until you get some soul
Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
I don't know who they think they are
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
Late at night the end of the road
He wished he still had the old guitar to hold
He'd rock it like a baby in his arms
Never let it come to any harm
Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
I don't know who they think they are
Smashing a perfectly good
Beautiful women were standing everywhere
They all got wet when he smashed that thing
But off in the dark you could hear somebody sing
Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
I don't know who they think they are
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
It started back in 1963
His momma wouldn't buy him that new red harmony
He settled for a sunburst with a crack
But he's still trying to break his momma's back
Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
I don't know who they think they are
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
He loved that guitar just like a girlfriend
But every good thing comes to an end
Now he just sits in his room all day
Whistling every note he ever played
There oughta be a law with no bail
Smash a guitar and you go to jail
With no chance for early parole
You don't get out until you get some soul
Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
I don't know who they think they are
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
Late at night the end of the road
He wished he still had the old guitar to hold
He'd rock it like a baby in his arms
Never let it come to any harm
Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars
Smashing a perfectly good guitar
I don't know who they think they are
Smashing a perfectly good